Today was a super fun day! Two of my best friends were in town, and I have not seen them in FOREVER! So it was amazing to have a girls day =) Anyway, on to the challenge! Today we had:

Breakfast: Smoothie made with strawberries, blueberries, bananas, plain yogurt and spinach. This was pretty tasty! I had pre-made this last night, and I think next time I’ll stick to making it fresh in the morning.

Lunch: Whole Wheat Macaroni and Cheese. Oh my word is this good, and it really IS super easy to make. Definitely going on my ‘favorite dishes’ list!

Dinner: Grilled chicken, steamed broccoli, side salad (lettuce/spinach, strawberries, pecans, parmesan, oil/balsamic/honey/mustard dressing.) The dressing for the salad was quite the event =)  One of my best friends that was over today stayed for dinner… and we had a fun time experimenting with making the dressing (we all had NO clue what we were doing) but I must say, it actually was really good on the salad that we made.

Snacks: string cheese, banana, watermelon. I LOVE watermelon – I don’t know what I’ll do in the winter without it!!  


Looking ahead, I can definitely say that it is going to take some creativity to stick with this lifestyle. I think our biggest challenge ahead of us will be when we go out socially with people. I love to meet up with my parents for lunch or dinner (since they live so far away from me) and I am interested to see what options we can find at restaurants. Also, in the summer we visit my parents lakehouse quite often – and not everyone will be eating the way that we do. But, I’m sure we will make it work somehow!!  Below is a pic of our delicious dinner from tonight, enjoy!!
